Monday, February 16, 2009


This is an interesting story. This buck had been living for several months with an arrow completely through it's head.

I have seen several animals with arrow stuck in there skulls but never one going completely through!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to kill a big Muley

If you want to accomplish something in this life, find someone that has done it, learn from them, and then try to copy them.

A buddy of mine, Dennis Wintch, is one of the greatest mule deer hunters of all time. I went on a quail hunt with him and picked his brain about how to kill a monster mule. This is what he taught me. First, you must hunt , an area, where there are monster muleys. Two, you must find them before the hunt if you can but for sure during the hunt. Three, you have to kill them. In the beginning that is about as much help as he would give me. Later, I paid to have him guide me once and latter, after I had killed my first monster muley, we started hunting together.

Let me talk a little about where to find a monster muley.

If you go to the four corners area of the US and start working out from there you are in the heart of mule deer country. Sonora, Mexico and western Canada also have produced some monsters. Peripheral states like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, West Texas, Washington and Oregon, produce a few but they are not worth your time unless you have access to private property.

If I was to pick my top areas, in which to kill a 200 class muley, I would list them as follows:

1. Henry Mtns, Utah - It will take you 15 years of applying or $50,000 in cash.
2. Arizona Strip, Arizona - It will take you 15 years of applying and $10,000 in guide fees.
2. Sonora, Mexico - It will take you $10,000 per year for 5 - 10 years
3. Specific CWMUs in Utah - It will cost you $5000 per year and 10 years of hunting.
4. Colorado - It will take 10 year of applying or $5000 per year for 10 years (landowner tags).

If you want to do it the inexpensive way.
1. Colorado - Spend a lifetime scouting and hunting public land
2. Nevada - Put in yearly for bonus points and spend a lifetime scouting and hunting public land.
3. Wyoming - Spend a lifetime scoutning and hunting public land when you can get a tag.

This buck cost me $2500 for a landowner tag and 5000 miles scouting and every weekend for two months preseason scouting. 1997

This same landowner tag now costs $7500.

If you want to get on our Blog for Mule Deer Hunting put your email in the comments box.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Potential World Record Antelope

Tony Grimmett is the king of the antelope. He guided Dr. Myers on this Arizona Antelope!